CSB-Extras Wacky Fun Things:
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NOTE: This site is constantly being updated and expanded.   If you have visited before, you might have to reload/refresh the pages to get the newest version of the pages.

The items in this area are fun and silly.  Can overwhelm sites so use spareingly!

Floating items that seem to drift around the web page from the top of the window.  Think of holidays like ghosts for halloween.

Floating Images - use small images in this script

Floating Image - same script as above, but modified to use only ONE ANIMATED floating image.

Falling items that only drop downward from the top of the window.  Think of holidays: leaves for autumn and snow for fall.


Curled page corner ad.    This simple free script allows you to put a curling page corner on your web page, in the top left or top right.

Simple PHP ad click counter    (Coming soon. Tutorial being written)

[This test area is published without frames]

Visit my web building resources page for links to great programs, sites, scripts!

These tuturials are designed to show that code from Dynamic Drive, Javascript Kit, and other places can be placed into a CSB or Trellix tlx file using Insert > HTML code (Webgem in Trellix).   Some tests on these pages were created not as tutorials, but to check a possible problem in a tlx file, or in the program itself and used to document program release bugs.

These are not intended to show the only way something is done, or the best way to do something!
I am not a programmer or professionally trained.  I am just a user of Trellix and CSB.
These are samples and tests I have done to assist others in building their websites or to learn features for use in my own projects.
Contents of this web site and all original works are copyright © 2003-2007 Samantha Conway - All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of owner.