Thought we should start a new section specifically for the MOBILE generation.
Though the use of mobile web is still only about 5% of the viewing audience, it is expected to rise. (Laptop magazine, 2008) Most mobile communication is for email and texting, not web viewing.
BROWSERS being used:SAFARILooks like the web, but not everything is supported. Includes built-in flash 7 support
zoom built-in for better viewing.
Used on Iphone and Itouch mp3 players
Internet Explorer MobileWeb pages are broken into pieces, columns, page is not shown as complete.
Does NOT look like the web. Clumsy.
Used on phones and pdas with Windows mobile 5 & 6 mobile edition.
Flash and many script options are not supported so some things may not function or show as blank areas.
SkyfireFree browser application that looks and feels like the REAL web!
Flash, Javascript, Youtube, Facebook, all supported. Full zoom capabilities.
Load Skyfire on Windows Mobile (version 5 or 6) or newer Symbian Series 60 phones
My preference:
1. skyfire

, 2. safari

, 3. IE mobile
- I HATE using my IE mobile browser on my phone.

But that's what came on it.
- I have used the safari browser on an itouch mp3 player (2nd gen) and was surprised and pleased that the web was a far nicer place to browse. Some things just aren't supported but that's ok...
- Then I was sent a get well card (been really sick). Couldn't see FLASH on my phone so I went to read up on what to do about it. I have Win Mobile 6 on an HTC Mogul from Sprint. Big fat phone with sliding keyboard. HUGE thing but does the job. I read up on skyfire on a forum for my phone. MANY people use it and recommend it. Took me 3 tries to get the download but finally did and WOW!
Take a look at the demo on the website.
This application changes the MOBILE world completely! I AM IMPRESSED!!!I visited several sites that I use frequently and found this browser better than the Safari, which is much better than the IE mobile. The corner curl on curls down like the real website, flash works and I can see youtube for the first time! And amazingly fast too. I have not tried to post to the forum with it yet, but will soon.
If they expand this app, it could become the only internet browser! And we would not have to design for different sizes!