Author Topic: Publicity in our webs...does it worth it?  (Read 17783 times)

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Publicity in our webs...does it worth it?
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:05:54 AM »
Talking in economic sense...Google, banners, etc.
I was suggested to include it on my site... what you guys think about it?

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Re: Publicity in our webs...does it worth it?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 03:29:24 PM »
Well.... depends on what you want to accomplish.
Do you want to make money from advertising other company's product?
Do you want to advertise YOUR products on other sites?
Do you want to buy an adword so your site shows up when searching?

One of the CSB users that I work with has
and uses every type of ad on his site possible at some point.  He has had tower and banner ads with Google, Yahoo, MSN, amazon, and many others.  He has people buy space on his site to advertise their products. He puts ads for his site on other sites.

He gets a decent traffic, has a simple click counter that he can report back to his advertisers.
Those advertisers support the site and pay for his advertising costs.
His site has been discussed on blogs and financial articles.
Those sites link back to his site, bringing in more traffic, so he can charge higher rates for advertisers...
He does not sell a PRODUCT.  His SITE is the product and is totally free to all visitors.
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Re: Publicity in our webs...does it worth it?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 03:39:42 AM »
I have plenty space left on both side margins on all my pages that can be used to insert ads.
My traffic in not a big deal: +/- 250 pages seen/day.

I was wandering if economically worth it to spend time, space and efforts to keep track of it.
Anyone who has never owned a dog can't know what loving and being loved mean- ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER 

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  • Sami
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Re: Publicity in our webs...does it worth it?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2009, 10:20:20 AM »
Personal choice for the type of site you want to present.

You might try it on a couple important pages.
See what kind of results you get.
Totally depends on your visitor to click the ads. 
Might help to pay for the hosting, or photo program, etc. 
Or you may not get anything.
Set a specific period of time (try it for 60 days).
You can always remove the ads from those couple pages if you don't like it.
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )