Author Topic: Has Anyone tried EZ Generator yet?  (Read 8106 times)

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Has Anyone tried EZ Generator yet?
« on: February 20, 2010, 02:14:38 PM »
Hi there - i am getting increasingly nervous as more and more time goes by about the websites i have built and am planning to build this year by using csb..   i have read somewhere that the browsers at some point will just not like csb based sites anymore.   (please please correct me if i'm wrong)

we have ecommerce sites, with really good search engine placement, so i cringe a the thought of changing anything. but..... knowing it will have to be done some time, wondering if the time is now.

i don't like to learn anything new.  i just can't help that - i never read instructions, and i'm a 'let's just get it done now' type of person.  i have spent countless all-nighters scanning the web for an alternate builder and have just never found one i was remotely interested in, until i read the post about EZ generator. 

 I liked what i saw, also, but am not completely convinced.   

I am about to build 3 new sites and am deciding if this is the time i hold my breath and move forward with a new product before i invest more time in one that will be obsolete, just because it fits comfortably for me.

oh geez, sorry - i feel like i just blogged - what i really want to know is if anyone has moved forward with this product and what their experience was.     

thank you so much, and thank you samantha for years of saving my butt when i got stuck with csb!   sandy

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Re: Has Anyone tried EZ Generator yet?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 11:08:06 PM »
You are correct about the browsers. I wrote about that here:

So far, so good. CSB still has functionality on Vista and Windows 7, and Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 and 8 all support CSB built pages.  Eventually there will be problems.  When?  I don't know but since coding language is evolving slowly you do not have to PANIC!

Glad to be of help with CSB.  Hope to continue to support people with other software too.  But none of the software has captured my heart yet. Each has its good points, and bad. Site Spinner seems to be the favorite so far.
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