Author Topic: Re: Xara Designer Pro  (Read 2770 times)

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Re: Xara Designer Pro
« on: August 22, 2010, 02:07:25 PM »
I haven't done much crafts and sewing the past 15 years since I went to work full time.  I'm also a career volunteer for causes, so between full time work, family and my volunteer work, I have no time for sewing and crafts. 

My craft group started about 25 years ago with about 10 ladies.  At that time, we were mostly stay home moms.  We would get together once per week rotating homes with our crafts.  We would have a short bible study, work on crafts and have lunch.  We did this about 10 years and some started to move out of the area, others took jobs after children were older.  We are now pretty scattered now, but we get together for a long weekend once per year, bringing bibles and sewing machines.  I mostly did work on the sewing machine and cross stitch.

My creative outlet now has become the websites I do.  It works well with my volunteer and paid work. 

Getting back to CSB on Window7, the insert file download would not work.  Since I like to add lots of PDFs it just wasn't doable.  I did the Vitual PC with the Windows7 and that worked for awhile. Then, one day I went to open Vitual XP and it wouldn't open.  Couldn't find the problem, still can't open it.  I had about 4 months of updates to and that were not backed up.  I have automatic daily back up to external hard-drive for my Windows7 PC, but it doesn't back up Vitual PC unless it's open all the time or I do it manually.  My mistake and I paid the price.  I got the new Dell laptop with downgrade as I needed new laptop anyway and had to redo hours of work to get the two sites back to where they needed to be. Good thing I had them on the external hard-drive even if the update was four months old.

But, I'm wanting to rebuild and expand some of the features like the drop down menus.  Thanks for the great info on how to do the drop downs with XWD.

I've played with a few 30-day free versions of WYSIWYG, but the learning curve just seemed too much.  I'm just so busy, I don't have lots of time to learn something new.  This is why I was excited with your review of XWD and it being a lot like CSB.  Of course, I have learned more over the years the more I used CSB as is true with most software. I haven't given SiteSpinner a trial.  I just tried to download the trial from which gives it a 5 star review, but it would not install.  Strange!

I definitely want to settle into something new soon though I'm not looking forward to the learning curve. I guess I'm getting impatient in my older age.

Thanks for all you fantastic help. I might be asking more questions soon.  ;)