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SMF version 2.0 has finally been released to the public.  It is in final release, no longer Beta.
Though this forum is on the stable last version of 1.0 (1.1.14) it is still strongly recommended that we upgrade to 2.0.

Am considering this...  :ss-shocked: :unsure:  am scared I will mess it up!
And once I do, I will have to do my mods again to make it look like samisite again.   :(

The forum works well as is, but if the newer version improves it further, then why not install it.

I will have to upgrade at some point and have known that for more than a year while 2.0 has been in beta.
When I put together This version, I had Don (Turtle) as my mentor and guide.
I did the work, and only turned to him a couple times in that process but I knew he would get me back on track if I went wrong.
I had a safety net.
I miss him as a person and as my advisor and it is scary to do such a drastic replacement solo.
Just don't want to break the forum moving it forward. Have gotten used to applying updates but upgrading to a NEW forum is totally different.

Yes. He is missed, but you've done a great job since then and I'm sure you'll overcome the obstacles.

I'm :luck: for when you upgrade. 

I hope you are right.  :luck:  
I am currently reading as much as I can before trying, to get a better understanding of what to expect...and known issues.

I will shut down the forum at some point in the next few days to give it a go. Hopefully forum will only be down for less than an hour. Then I can tweak the "look" after it is up and live.

Maybe I will change the tones...Maybe not...dunno... I find the current colors comfortable on my eyes, but would be willing to consider other combinations...


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