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frontline flea and tick remover

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tom harada:
You can move this discussion to "critters" but I would like a few people to see this post under general discussion to get some feedback. We have one aged cat (20) and one mature cocker (8) and we have to get flea and tick removal meds about once every year. I can't believe the cost of the medication my vet recommends. You all must know it is "Frontline." It seems as though this company has the market cornered and can ask whatever price it wants. Does anyone know of any other alternatives that can control flea and ticks on cats and dogs?  Tom in Oregon

tom harada:
The other pet is Henry our 9 year old cocker ...

I use advantage (no tick coverage, only fleas) for mine because it comes in two sizes.  One of my cats is very thin and declining kidneys and can not have the heavier dose.  I have indoor only (house and screenroom) animals.  Area is too dangerous for roaming animals.

My neighbors had a cat that came into my yard and got my whole yard infested.  But it never got to be a problem IN the house because I did two things:  1) paid for professional treatment of the yard (once)   2) I treat my screen porch with TABLE SALT when I see a flea.  A vet told my family about it a thousand years ago.  Smothers the flea nits.  Breaks the cycle.  Sprinkle it into the indoor-outdoor carpet, wait a few hours, vacuum.  I have an old wet dry vac on the porch and keep salt in the bottom of it too so any little fleas that get in there will be treated the same way!  Repeat process once a week for 3 weeks.  I have had NO flea infestations in the house.   We used to do this IN the house growing up too, on the indoor carpets.  Same results. 


We also use Frontline for our pets. The type that comes in a capsule one breaks open and then press out the liquid into the fur behind the head and down the back. Lopis has a cheaper alternative available at the supermarket but not so effective according to the vet. Years ago, there was a tablet but it was taken off the market here. Lopis also have flee and tick collars, but we don't use them as our pets are not too fond of them. Don't know of anything else.

I am not a fan of collars.  Can be very irritating to the skin for some animals.

Used to get a good flea WIPE. Those are gone too.
If you get a prescription from your vet, you can get pet meds at a reduced cost online, including Frontline.
But even with discount, can add up quickly!


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