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yahoo decommisioning ftp soon.


Hi All, Yahoo have sent me an email regarding their decommisioning of ftp in September. I use them for my website hosting [small business] and they are going to an ftps system. They say that if you use a third party buidling programme other than theirs, you will have to change your settings to enable any upload in future. I just send from the csb4 programme used to create  and update my sites. Is there anything I will have to change in these settings to continue to upload? I don't think I use ftp to update, just csb4. Regards, Graeme

CSB is FTP only. NO secure FTP in it.
You will have to PREVIEW the site to your computer (put into a folder inside My Docs) then upload the changed files to Yahoo space using an FTP program that uses a secure setting.  You can put the files in MODIFIED DATE order in FTP program and quickly choose to upload only the changed files.  I did this for over a year at one host with no problems.  Adds an extra step but is not difficult.

COREFTP is a decent free FTP program that can connect securely.

Read this thread about FTP Basics.


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