You can design anything you want.
I have some of the old ones available here for may work for you.
CSB templatesTrudy's templatesTrudy's backgroundsOR CREATE YOUR OWN!!!
You are not stuck with the design you have now.
Use a photo editor to create the photos and designs of your choice, overlay, create!
Then insert the image/ images/ or sliced images into your web page areas.
Decide HOW you want to lay out your information. 1 column, 2, 3, with borders without and get started!
Just a FEW simplistic examples The sky is the limit!
- Take a look at for a SINGLE background image that LOOKS LIKE a framed page. Just a large page body with a TABLE over top of it! Another example of a solid with table over it: Add tonal behind content like shown on You can split an image into pieces and put part into the top border and left side... and Use solid colors and put your images/text on it. Take a look at for a good example of this and for another
- Add the background color or texture of your choice as background like Use a top image for the header, add tables to left side and text in center as shown on - Use a top image for the header, solid color left side as shown on

CSB and Trellix before it, has had the ability to make Page Layouts, formatting that can change many pages at once. Benefit of this is that if you change the page layout, or create a new one (new border colors, new font colors, etc,) you can quickly apply a page format to many pages and have them all change to your new colors, etc in one smooth move. The key is standardization on the webpages. If you unlock the static area, it is no longer a standard feature of the web page.
If you have been "unlocking STATIC TEXT" areas of several pages to change fonts, text, etc, then when you go to apply the new formatting of your choice throught the Page Layout you will have some WACKY results first time through.
BEFORE you make any BIG changes, choose FILE SAVE AS and rename the file. Then work with the new file. The old file becomes your backup copy. As you work with the new one, if you really hate what you do to it, you can always go back to your original file!
How to do it: If you want to change several pages at once: Format > Edit Page Layout > create a new layout (name it something that makes sense to you). Then right click the each area of the page to choose properties, page area, and change the background color AND the image to use your new image, or text etc. Finish to save your new layout.
Select a page on the map (or drag a box around several pages), choose Format>Apply Page Layout and choose the one you want to be implemented on that page. If you want several pages to receive formatting at the same time check the bullet for ALL SELECTED PAGES instead of the CURRENT PAGE bullet at the bottom of the box.
To make sure all new pages use a specific layout design when you create them, go to one of the existing pages using that design choose Format>Apply Page Layout and check the box in the lower left corner for "Use this layout for new pages".
If you have never unlocked the STATIC PAGE AREAS, your pages should apply the format well with little adjustment necessary.
IF YOU GET A WARNING BOX: If you get the notice that says something like you have made you want to keep your changes...JUST SAY NO. If you say yes, you are keeping your old changes that you manually put into the page by unlocking the static text at some point in the past.
If you say yes, you will not get the new Page Layout changes. After applying the new formatting, you may have cleaning to do to get your pages looking the way you want but DO NOT UNLOCK STATIC AREAS again. It is worth the effort to standardize your pages. That will make your file easier and faster to update in the future.