Author Topic: CSB in VISTA operating system  (Read 11353 times)

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CSB in VISTA operating system
« on: March 31, 2007, 08:40:47 AM »
VISTA.  CSB4 and CSB5 work on Vista.  CSB3 has had problems.

- You can not just COPY the installed program from your current machine to the new machine. Like always you must install the software using the installation file. If you don't have your original installation file, you can download a fresh copy of the installation file here. Download ONLY the version of the program you already own and have licensed.   All the files offered on that page are 30 day trials and require a serial number to unlock.  If the program is not unlocked and you have gone past your 30 days, you will not be able to publish/preview.  You can register/unlock under the HELP menu.

- You must have administrator rights to install the software on Vista.

- Easiest way to transfer your tlx design files:  Use a USB stick!  Search your computer for the .tlx design files to your new computer.  Cheap, easy and fast!

- Put your files in your Documents folder somewhere.

- Open a file, and you will have to rebuild your HOST SETTINGS for each of your websites/hosts (user name, password, FTP address, etc.). CSB will not know where to send your website files until you recreate all your HOST settings.

- You will need to check your publishing settings...if the file should go to a subdirectory, make sure it is shown in the subdirectory field.

- In publishing options, check the box for Local HTML folder and choose one in your DOCUMENTS folder.  <<< This step is necessary for publishing as Vista can not preview without this step!


- Anytime you move to a new machine you will have to publish the FULL FILE.  Once fully published the file will only need to update changes.

- You can set the program to run as if under Windows XP.  If you RIGHT CLICK the actual CSB.exe program file, go to properties, you can manually set your system to run the program as if the Op System is older version.

This is the only known problem so far and it is NOT a CSB issue.  It is a windows issue!
CSB uses the same help file system that most windows programs have used since win 3.1.
Microsoft made a decision to DISCONTINUE shipping the winhlp32.exe help file program with VISTA. They consider this program as no longer meeting their standards. This will disable EVERY HELP FILE for EVERY PROGRAM that depended on windows to have winhlp32.exe program installed.  From the Microsoft site:

The Help files that are titled “How to Use Help” were removed from Windows Vista. The following is the list of files that were removed:
• Windows.hlp
• Winhlp32.hlp
• Winhlp32.cnt
• Winhelp.cnt
• Nocntnt.cnt
The .hlp files that depend on these files may return an error when users try to open them.

Software developers are PROHIBITED from releasing the winhlp app with their software so don't expect it to come with any software.

You can use these resources for help with your CSB program.
CSB5 online help system
CSB4 online help system
CSB4 USER GUIDE CSB 3 users can use this too for the most part.
GlobalSCAPE help area
And of course, the forums and help sites.

:luck:============================= :luck:   

UPDATED:  see my next post below for links to read about the issue, and get Microsoft's NEW help tool! 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 07:03:59 PM by Samrc »
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Re: CSB in VISTA operating system
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 02:36:15 PM »
Thanks for the info Sam - no winhlp32.exe in Vista? Good grief - I have been trying to decide whether to change over now or in the near future and I think this alone is a good reason not to .. although after listneing to some friends who did, I have found others - but I think every one of my 60 something programs use that file! Where would I be without my help files??? lol  :-\   ???
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Re: CSB in VISTA operating system
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 03:27:29 PM »
Microsoft has decided to allow individuals to download a winhelp so older programs will continue to have their help files. But the file can not be distributed by anyone so you must download it directly from MS.  (This solution is for those that do not have a way to move an old copy of WinHlp32.exe from an XP machine.)Here is the official Microsoft page about it.

From Microsoft page:
Users who want to view 32-bit .hlp files must download the program from the Microsoft Download Center, and then install it on their computers.
You can get the WinHlp32.exe file from Microsoft now!

Check out this interesting discussion about the NEW WINHELP TOOL that comes with Vista that works only SOMETIMES.

On two other forums I found two workarounds that have gotten good comments. I have NOT used either option! 
If you have access to a computer with XP, you can copy your WinHlp32.exe to your new Vista machine.
Though named the same, the Vista version is NOT the same file. It is a warning stub only.

A) This one literally replaces the Vista version of the WinHlp32.exe with the older version.
This instruction walks you through how to replace (copy/paste will not do it!).  This technique will allow programs looking for C:\Windows\WinHlp32.exe  file to find the REAL file!  I did it on a friend's Vista machine and it worked fine!

"Keep in mind that if you use the version of WinHlp32.exe from XP, most WinHelp files will work correctly but context-sensitive help may not. It's an "at your own risk" kind of thing. If you want to replace WinHlp32.exe, you can't just copy it, you have to also do some permissions related stuff:

1. In Explorer, right-click on C:\Windows\WinHlp32.exe and select Properties > Security > Advanced > Owner. Click on the Edit button and take ownership of the file. Acknowledge the dire warnings displayed by Windows. Click on OK to close all of the open property dialogs.

2. Right-click on the same file again, this time selecting Properties > Security and click Edit. Select Administrators and check Full Control under the Allow column. Acknowledge it, and then click OK to close out all of the dialogs.

3. Rename the WinHlp32.exe to something like WinHlp32.Vista and copy WinHlp32.exe from XP to the C:\Windows folder."

B) This one allows for a second help file, keeping Vista's version in place.  You will be able to open some help files with this instruction BUT if the program calling for the help file uses the specific directory instruction, you will have difficulty opening some help files within programs.

"OK - here's a solution that works perfectly fine for me.  Well MS seems to have restricted permissions to modify or remove the winhlp32.exe file, so I have taken a copy from an XP install and copied into the Windows directory as winhlp32-XP.exe.  Afterwhich, I opened a .hlp file and just re-associated it to the winhlp32-XP.exe file.  All my legacy hlp files now open with my winhlp32-XP.exe executable and bypass the crappy stub message."
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 08:27:45 PM by Samrc »
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Re: CSB in VISTA operating system
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2007, 05:56:42 PM »
I read the article and was bit confused but only because at the end he closed by saying the download was helpful - after showing how it didn't work for one of his programs .. I guess the answer is that it might work for some help files and not others. I checked and some of mine newer programs are html help but still a good portion depend on that win file. Just another thing to cosider about switching over to Vista - I think I will reve rto my "If it ain't broke don't fix it" mode. XP pro works great. Has anyone downloaded this to see if it works with Cute help?
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Re: CSB in VISTA operating system
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2007, 07:19:17 PM »
I am still on XP and will remain so until next pc. 
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )