Author Topic: need csb5 license  (Read 7996 times)

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need csb5 license
« on: July 07, 2007, 09:47:50 AM »
Hello!  New to the group.  I built my website starting with Trellix and then CSB5.  I have a big problem b/c I missed the deadline to buy the program before DOOMSDAY, and now I need to find a license that is not being used or someone who is willing to xfer it.   :banghead:
I somehow doubt either cases are going to come to fruition, so I am trying to find out what my alternatives are to getting my site xfered to another program.
Any tips would be appreciated since I am not a tech-head.  Has anybody else been successful in this same/similar problem?

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Re: need csb5 license
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 10:17:14 PM »
Back in July, Bryan posted a request for an unused license on a topic opened for that purpose.  It might just be my lack of experience/skill in using bulletin boards (and I apologize for any breach of protocol here), but I was unable to post on that part of this forum.  He has gotten no replies, yet, but I'd still like to get in line behind him.

I just created my first web site.  My experience seems to be pretty common: I used a free copy of Trellix Web packaged with another product, discovered its limited publishing features, got a demo copy of CSB5 last week, need a license to continue working on my project.

Is there any chance of getting a license from someone who isn't using it anymore or has an extra?

'much obliged.

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Re: need csb5 license
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 07:06:34 AM »
This thread is not closed so as long as you are a registered member, you should be able to post.  ???
Maybe someone has a license they are willing to surrender.  Most CSB users are LOYAL to the product, to the point of fanatical!  We LOVE  :hearts: the simplicity and ease of the program. We tend to hang on to the product.

If I were just beginning to build websites and knew that the program is discontinued, I'm not sure that I would want to continue to use the trial... Think I would look for supported product instead. Like SiteSpinner or one of the others we discuss on this forum. Those programs will move forward.  CSB will not.  It is dead.
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Here's One!
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 06:50:47 PM »
I have a solution for you that maybe you can search on google: CUTESITE Builder Serial Numbers and find the website that actually has the code, try this one:  and click Get Serial Code and try typing it in on CUTESITE Builder. Tell me if that works,


Shana Ginsburg LOL 8) :noshake:

(Modfied by SAMRC, administrator:  Removed the link and name of the site that offers WAREZ.  This is Cracked software with VERY HIGH POTENTIAL to damage your computer, your data, take your passwords, or worse!)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 07:20:44 PM by Samrc »

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Re: need csb5 license
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 07:16:57 PM »
Disclaimer from the site indicated above:
1) All information located under current site placed for private purposes and will not be downloaded, viewed or used whatsoever. So current site owner or organization hosting this site takes no responsibility for the way you will use information from this site. If you enter this site and do not agree with current terms you can not provide any treatment of our hosting ISPs, organizations or any persons storing this site information because your actions will be estimated as violation code no. 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act from 1995.
2) is not distributing commercial software. Illegal distribution of commercial software is considered to be software piracy and theft of intellectual property, and is prosecuted by all local, federal and international laws. is operational since 2004 and has nothing to do with "warez" or other illegal sites.
3) servers are located in countries that don't have working analogue of U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Protection Act (DMCPA), which prohibits indirect assistance in circumvention of copyright protection. We find that DMCPA brutally infringes upon basic human rights such as freedom of speech, sets back the scientific progress and therefore is unacceptable in a free society.
4) Current site owner has nothing to do with software security and reverse engineering programs ("keygens") linked from current website pages. All "serials" were made by reverse engineering groups and independent reverse engineering experts, all data is freeware and may be freely distributed by anyone with or without modification. All the downloadable content is intended for educational purposes and non-commercial use ONLY.If you don`t agree with these terms you must leave immediately!!!

That means that the software offered on that site is TAMPERED WITH! 
Think about it. If they can break the code for serial number, they can also add bad things to the code to tamper with YOUR computer putting YOU at RISK!!!  They can get your personal info, put in KeyLoggers which record every keystroke you make (including getting your online banking passwords, etc), make your computer part of a spam network, so many things. 

And the disclaimer says THEY do not do the reverse engineering...someone ELSE does it.  So if your computer crashes, or your my documents folder is wiped clean, or your system is used to send SPAM mail by a hidden mini program within the cracked software, you can't go back and blame them!  You are totally on your own.


Besides, putting your computer at extreme risk using one of these programs, you are undermining copyright.  This forum does not allow or support copyright infringement. Period.    :rules: :police:  Please read the rules again!

all data is freeware and may be freely distributed by anyone with or without modification
That is complete bull!   There are legitimate freeware software groups (Firefox, Open Office, Wiki development, etc) that allow users to freely use the software with NO RISK. Those programs are designed from the ground up to provide programs to the masses at no cost. Programmers give their time freely and expect no payment.
Warez (also known as cracked software) is NOT freeware.  And paid for programs are NOT freeware. There are  companies that paid to employ programmers own those copyrights to that work. 
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 07:47:19 PM by Samrc »
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )