Author Topic: Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?  (Read 10565 times)

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Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:59:12 PM »
Wouldn't the csb software work indefinately? What would have to change to make the cd and software not work? Tom in Oregon...
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 11:56:02 PM by Samrc »

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Re: Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 11:45:19 PM »
Really good question.  Lots of things interfere... Here's a few:

HTML code is evolving.  Browsers are too.
Both have moved past what CSB produces today, and since CSB can not continue to change, eventually the browsers will not support the code generated by CSB.

Example:  When Trellix was first designed, it was accurate coding and light-weight.  Ahead of its time in functions and abilities.  CSB came from that original frame/model.  Things like BOLDING, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, etc were done within the text of the document.  Open code for bold...TEXT....close code for bold, etc.  CSS (cascade style sheets) are the current method for defining font styles in web pages.  CSB does not build pages using CSS for MOST people.  (USING THE BUILT IN STYLES in CSB pages will help to combat this problem but that is another issue for another thread....most people don't know about it or how to use it!)

Yes Browsers are backward compatible. Yes that gives us time to decide what would be our best option for moving forward.  No reason to panic.  I do not expect failure in 2007, 2008 or possibly 2009.  There are MILLIONS of sites that would break if browsers move ahead TOO fast.  But realistically, it will happen when the browsers finally drop some of the old legacy code....

AND of course PC Operating Systems are moving forward too...
Vista supports CSB with certain quirks...
What will happen after Vista?

NO SOFTWARE....NONE....can be used forever.  ALL will cease to work properly eventually.
Evolution of technology is getting FASTER...and has also changed the expection for use of computers and the programs on them, shortening the life span. Those of us that came from DOS age remember programs that gave YEARS of use...not so anymore for many of them. 

(FYI, I moved and renamed the post and made it sticky...for other people to find easier long term)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 04:57:43 PM by Samrc »
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the future of CSB
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 10:59:21 AM »
I had to reinstall CSB on a new computer, and it occurred to me if I lost my serial number, my CSB would be dead.  There would be anyway to get it from globalscape.

Another question is why are we reviewing alternative software… is the future of our beloved CSB destined to quite working.  I read the review of the wysiwyg software Pablo software solutions, and it really sunk in that at some point CSB will be obsolete.  Obsolete because there will be no more updates.  The program will fall way behind other software like its kind.

So what's the future look like for CSB?

Ken aka
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Re: Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 01:41:17 PM »
I merged your question with another of the same. 

1) Serial number:  Everyone should go into ABOUT HELP screen and print the screen, or write it down somewhere.  If you don't have access to that anymore, you can contact GlobalSCAPE for them to send it to you, IF you know what email address was used to register the software.  Go to this page:  At the bottom of the page is a link to request your serial number.

For the past couple years, I have kept program registrations, notes inside a password keeper.  Any Password (or others like it) work wonderfully. Can copy whole emails into the note section.  As I add a new program, I put in the date, and the serial number.  Support links are good, where purchased, etc.  If I have to reinstall something, I have my info easily accessible, encrypted and portable.  Can't say that I have ALL my programs identified, but most of them. Less paperwork than printing all the info, and stays up to date with edits and changes...  Keep website info in there too.  And forum info (where I have registered, usernames/passwords for each, etc)

2) Yes, unfortunately and very sad to say, our lovely CSB will become outdated and need to be replaced.  Please see my earlier response on this thread.  So we are actively looking at other software.  ANY COMMENTS about other software are welcome in those areas of the forum.  Most of us are not in a hurry to jump ship, but we must face that fact. Hopefully this forum will grow and be able to support users of the other software as we migrate... That is my wish. Users of CSB are a special breed and I really hate to see us broken up if we can still offer support on the other programs!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 01:46:32 PM by Samrc »
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Re: Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 08:35:03 PM »
While I already jumped ship ... ( Sorry e1 .. I just had to move in new directions! For me what I use has become easier than CSB for any site build. ) I definitely see the site serving multiple programs if we can all stick together here and continue to share what we know about what ever direction that we take when ever that may be.  :yes:
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Re: Wouldn't cutesitebuilder work indefinitely?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2009, 11:53:26 AM »
Well the news is ok so far for CSB in the new browser IE8.
Tested several CSB built websites using the crossbrowser testing site mentioned here.
So far, IE8 still renders CSB sites well.  The final version is not out yet so that could change, but at this time CSB sites are still viable in FireFox 3.3 and IE7 and IE8.
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
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