CLEANING SERVER. Ok...Warning...Warning... Be VERY careful here! You could actually BREAK your website. Many people have by simply getting rid of things they thought were old or not needed any more.
CSB removes the files it loads to the web when you remove the page from your tlx design file and republish. Anything with old dates may be good files your website still uses, just that you have not updated in a long time, OR they could be files that could be removed. Chances are, if they are still on your website, put there by CSB you need to LEAVE THEM ALONE.
Three step process to do this safely.
1) You should first look at your tlx design file(s). Make a backup copy of your file. Set it aside (it is a JUST IN CASE). Prune the file, clean it out, deleting pages and content you no longer need. Then this is very important...Do a FILE SAVE AS and GIVE IT A NEW NAME to compact and get rid of unecessary code and objects (images, sounds, pages, etc). Now publish the new file. CSB will remove crud from your website too. Ok... Now you have the most current version of your website posted and CSB knows that.
2) make a backup of your website as it is if you can. Some hosts offer a backup option that makes a compressed copy of all the files, or you can just spend some time and download a full copy of all files/folders to your own computer (using FTP program). This step is optional but recommended. If you delete something you didn't mean to, you will have a way to put it back later.
3) Using FTP, download a copy of your TlxTransfer.txt file. Or you can go to your website with the browser, add /TlxTransfer.txt to the url and see the file. PRINT IT and use it as a checklist! It is created by CSB and updated/changed each time you publish. This has a full list of every file that CSB considers active in the most current tlx design file. Any file that is your main directory of your website, but is not listed on the TlxTransfer.txt MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT be considered for removal. Now I say MIGHT because some files are used by your host, some are put there by you using FTP or have other purposes. But it is a great starting point for cleaning/pruning. Each subdirectory will have its own TlxTransfer.txt file...
Open your FTP program (I have CuteFTP7pro) and connect to your host. If your FTP software allows, you can click a THUMBNAIL option to view the files before you remove them. In my version, the thumbnail option is a tiny image just above my server side window, all the way to the right on same line as address bar, and under VIEW on the menu bar.
CSB will remove some files from your web host when it updates. Sometimes when you want, and other times when you do not want it to happen. If you use the preview function, you have probably defined the local HTML folder in the publishing options. That's fine. But when you actually publish, you need to UNCHECK that local HTML folder option. Leaving it checked while publishing causes CSB to REMOVE sounds, flash, movies, and other files during the publishing process. The good news is that when you uncheck and republish, they will be put back. Check it again when you want to preview.