asks one to create a page
Do I make a web page for my site in CSB5 look like the rest of my site?

This procedure is the same for any 3rd party forms processor or any script you want to implement.
Just make a regular page inside CSB design file. Put anything you want on the page.
CSB will load the page to your website for you.
You can call it anything you want. You can let CSB name it for you automatically (and end up with an id123.htm type name) or call it thanks.htm, thankyou.htm, Thank_You.htm, ThankYou.htm, etc...!
(The name can end with htm, html, asp, php, any number of file extensions)
To name a page, just access the page properties for the page you want to change
Right click the page body, Properties, PagePage properties are shown in a screen print and explained on these two pages:
CSB 3 or 4 look at this page. Read about the
Short Title field
CSB 5 users should visit this page. Read about
File Name field (replaced the short title field)
These fields allow you to rename your web page.
Read about proper naming here.For simplicity, I use
thanks.htm for and and other sites we won't mention (you can see what the page looks like at and if you want to...) Since those open inside an iframe, I don't have other menus on the pages. If you are NOT using your thank you page inside an iframe, I recommend that it have plenty of links to allow your visitor access to the rest of your website.
Do I have to have it link to other pages in sequence?
Not if you don't want to. I have mine set off by itself, with a custom 404 page. Neither on a sequence line.
No other links go INTO that page so people do not accidentally wander to it. Wanna get picky? Can even put a NO CACHE statement into the page properties so the page is not copied onto Google.
Once you have a page that thanks your visitors for taking time to complete the form, you can go back to your form service and point a full URL style address (starts with http...) to that page. The form processing will be handled by the company (or script) you are working with. Nothing else to do!
how does one link it to the emailmeform
You don't.
or does the emailmeform automatically find it
You define WHERE you want your visitor to go after filling out the form. Either in the control panel at the 3rd party site like or by putting that address into the script (if you have installed a forms script like ultimateformmail). The form processor follows the same route every time.... form comes in from your site, is sent where you define (your email address) and the visitors browser is redirected to a specific page. (Believe it or not, you could do that with CSB forms for many years just by changing a tiny piece of code!)
I have a couple forms at and I name each form so I know
1) which site is it on and 2) purpose.
Also, you can send the form to more than one address. If you want a backup copy sent to another email address, just add the second address after a comma! If you only need one copy just fill in one email address.