Author Topic: need help with emailmeform  (Read 14516 times)

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need help with emailmeform
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:32:08 AM »
I need help with this!!!! ??? asks one to create a page be used on (CSB5) sites with their forms.

How does one create a ThankYou.html page?????

I know how to create a web page and I guess I can name it thankyou.html  but how does one link it to the emailmeform or does the emailmeform automatically find it????

Do I make a web page for my site in CSB5 look like the rest of my site?  Do I have to have it link to other pages in sequence?   I know a Thank you screen (page) shows up with CSB5 forms automatically.



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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 02:21:46 PM »
Quote asks one to create a page
Do I make a web page for my site in CSB5 look like the rest of my site? 

YES.   :yes:
This procedure is the same for any 3rd party forms processor or any script you want to implement.
Just make a regular page inside CSB design file. Put anything you want on the page.
CSB will load the page to your website for you.
You can call it anything you want.  You can let CSB name it for you automatically (and end up with an id123.htm type name) or call it thanks.htm, thankyou.htm, Thank_You.htm, ThankYou.htm, etc...! 
(The name can end with htm, html, asp, php, any number of file extensions)

To name a page, just access the page properties for the page you want to change

Right click the page body, Properties, Page
Page properties are shown in a screen print and explained on these two pages:
CSB 3 or 4  look at this page.  Read about the Short Title field
CSB 5 users should visit this page.   Read about File Name field (replaced the short title field)
These fields allow you to rename your web page.
Read about proper naming here.

For simplicity, I use thanks.htm for and and other sites we won't mention (you can see what the page looks like at and if you want to...)  Since those open inside an iframe, I don't have other menus on the pages.  If you are NOT using your thank you page inside an iframe, I recommend that it have plenty of links to allow your visitor access to the rest of your website.

Do I have to have it link to other pages in sequence?
Not if you don't want to.  I have mine set off by itself, with a custom 404 page.  Neither on a sequence line.
No other links go INTO that page so people do not accidentally wander to it.  Wanna get picky? Can even put a NO CACHE statement into the page properties so the page is not copied onto Google.

Once you have a page that thanks your visitors for taking time to complete the form, you can go back to your form service and point a full URL style address (starts with http...) to that page.  The form processing will be handled by the company (or script) you are working with.  Nothing else to do!

how does one link it to the emailmeform
You don't. 

or does the emailmeform automatically find it
You define WHERE you want your visitor to go after filling out the form.  Either in the control panel at the 3rd party site like or by putting that address into the script (if you have installed a forms script like ultimateformmail).  The form processor follows the same route every time.... form comes in from your site, is sent where you define (your email address) and the visitors browser is redirected to a specific page.  (Believe it or not, you could do that with CSB forms for many years just by changing a tiny piece of code!)

I have a couple forms at and I name each form so I know
1) which site is it on and 2) purpose.
Also, you can send the form to more than one address. If you want a backup copy sent to another email address, just add the second address after a comma!  If you only need one copy just fill in one email address.

SIMPLE!   :)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 12:33:48 AM by samrcat »
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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 10:19:42 AM »
Hi Sam

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, it seems very simple but there is a problem.

My EmailMeForm name is: OuiMoncheri - Infomration Request
Email address: is ok (as the forms goes there when do a CSB5 preview
Spam email: left blank
Thank you page: h**p://

And on Thank You page tab in CSB5 I have Thank You (title) and thankyou (file name)   (html)

When preview in CSB5 form is ok (except for one other thing, will mention soon), click send and I get Error, Page Can not be found or not on Server.  So there is no link to a Thank You page even though I have a thank you page in my website.

Now for other problem - my webpage is white, the form is a light green background with blue text and it is fine in EmailMeForm website preview but when the code is pasted into CSB5 on my site and I preview the form. The Text for Image Verifcation "Refresh Image" and "What's this" which is blue on EmailMeForm site - is now white on my site. How do I get it to be blue again?

So how can we solve these 2 problems?


« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:47:39 AM by Samrc »

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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 11:47:03 AM »
When preview in CSB5 form is ok (except for one other thing, will mention soon), click send and I get Error, Page Can not be found or not on Server.  So there is no link to a Thank You page even though I have a thank you page in my website.

I checked your page listing  ( ) and you do NOT have any  thank you page on your website!  You may have one in your local PREVIEW (saved to your own computer) but not on your website.

Since you have NOT PUBLISHED that thank you page, it is not on the web server at your host.  If you have only previewed and are testing the form, the SCRIPT/processing does not know that.  It is seeking the actual web page ON THE WEB not something on your own computer.  YOU told it to look for a specific page on your host.  If it is not there, you will most definitely get an error! 

AND by the way.... You do need to be careful about the NAMING of the file.  You refer to thankyou.html as your page. Note that CSB (and Trellix before it) defaults to .htm not .html so unless you have manually adjusted that setting in the page properties, your page (when you finally DO publish it) will have .htm as the file extension causing yet another error.  Make sure the name of the file is the SAME as what you have in CSB.

1) CHECK NAME and PUBLISH.  (you can put your form page OFF a sequence line while you tweak it)
2) FORMATTING of code. This one is VERY difficult to diagnose without SEEING the form on the page.  Can you publish it and just let us know the page name (just the name of the page domain so it will not link)
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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 03:01:56 PM »

Sami is a genius!

it now works - Of course, I had to publish site for thank you page to appear!
I remember something else a while back to that it only showed up when published and not in preview mode.

Now funny thing and I think it might be the emailmeform code and not CSB5 site.
Both forms - font color is blue.
I have a form on "Information" page and on "Order" page  the Verification link  words "Refresh" and What's this"
The text is in blue and on "Information form page" it shows words "Refresh" and What's this" up in white but on "Order form page" words "Refresh" and What's this" show up in blue.  Why do they not show up in blue on the Information form page?   

Unless it my browser/cache hss to be cleared?



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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 03:15:43 PM »

I it is fixed now problem of Verification words not showing up on my web page in same font color as rest of the emailmeform.

I had to change the "auto color" and "visit link colors" in CSB for those 2 pages.

So no reply is need on this subject.
Now on to other things!


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need help with emailmeform
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 03:21:38 PM »
I was testing in IE and Firefox and all looked the same (all blue) until I clicked a link.
Was about to respond that the visited link color was your problem.....

 :clapping: :clapping:  I applaud your efforts.   :clapping: :clapping:

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Re: need help with emailmeform
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 04:23:17 PM »
Hi, thanks for your advice on  It's a helpful service and I have figured everything out that I need to, except that I don't want the Thank You page to display inside the page where the form is submitted.  I want it to either completely reload the page after the original form/submission has been sent, or, pop up an entirely new window with the Thank You page, in front of the main site.  This must be so easy to do but I am just  not seeing how... could you please help?  thanks!

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Re: need help with emailmeform
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2009, 02:15:48 PM »
Sorry for delay in responding. Somehow I had marked your post as read and did not get back to it.

Many of the online forms are pre-set to an iframe only. They do not allow the forms to work with popup.  Too many people have popup blockers on so they do not get a new window when they click a link.

I will have to check to see if emailmeform allows a popup.
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