I test these forms on three different machines I and can not find problems.
I use IE 6, IE7, FF2, FF3 and all those variations work for me.
There is some variation of use from browser to browser.
- Sometimes when you click a drop down, it sticks....stays open and you can manually move through the list to the item of your choice.
- Other times, clicking the drop down does not cause the choice to stick in place. The drop down opens only as long as your left mouse button is pressed down. You CAN scroll within the list if you keep your finger on the left mouse button.
BUT....some people say the drop down items are not available to them.
They report that parts of the forms are not usable.
I can NOT replicate the issue so I can not test the code. And the forms have been in use for 6+ months.
Problem comments only for the last week or so.... This is the last one...the cause of this post from the MAIN form:
Message: Ok, well this isn't going well. Your type of business/consumer field isnt functioning, nor is your Subject Field selector.
Please take a few minutes to test these two forms and let me know what you find.Remember to tell me your experience AND which browser (& version you are using).
Both forms DO have required fields (Red DOTS)
THESE ARE REAL LIVE ACTUAL IN-USE FORMS coming to me at the office where other people read them. Please keep that in mind when you test...
Though we have several forms on the site, the main form gets the comments (the others use the same coding!).
The other one is usually filled in by folks without a lot of computer skills or using the aol browser (which I do not have).
Main company contact form h***p://www.lambertusa.com/lambcoform.php
Curber application form h***p://www.lambertusa.com/newcurb.php
Your help is GREATLY appreciated!!!