1) Page background. AH... I should put a no repeat code. Thanks. What resolution are you set to?
2) Weather forecast widgets are hidden.

Nah. You have to go to the MAPS page and you will see them to the left of the drawn maps. (not on the printable copies)
3) Glad you like the flash. For that type of flash, I like XARA better than Swish family
4) What happened to ZonkBoard? Which is better? I don't understand the question.
Are you asking why I posted a webmaster form vs instead of a zonkboard on that site?
EASY. They have totally different purposes for totally different types of communication.
Zonkboard (like on the samisite.com home page) is designed for public comment. Postings for the most part STAY on the board for others to see and comment. Lovely way to get a shout out from a passing visitor. Friendly and shows others that people visit and use the site. Also its a great way to allow your visitors to pose a question and provide a quick answer that you want others to see. Like a FAQ iframe.
EMAIL FORM sent only to the webmaster allows users to report bugs, request features, communicate with the builder of the site about the site. If visitors need to purchase something, they are given MANY contact phone, fax and cell numbers to do so, none of which contact the site builder. In this case, communication with the site builder is emergency only, and should not be public. If someone reports a bug on the site, I don't want that to be left on the screen for every visitor after that to see.