Author Topic: Prog keeps crashing  (Read 4473 times)

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Prog keeps crashing
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:52:25 PM »
Help please!  :help: This is driving me nuts!  I amend pages, try to save - crash!!! "Not Responding" message comes up. Is this a program problem (I'm on CS 5) or maybe my ole PC has a memory problem? Maybe the site is too big - I have quite a lot of photos there too.
Any advice gratefully accepted.

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  • Sami
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Re: Prog keeps crashing
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 11:01:05 PM »
Sorry to hear of your difficulties.  Lets see if we can get you going again.

DO NOT UNINSTALL/REINSTALL the CSB program.  It is stable and will not be the cause of the problem.
(VERY rarely the program has been damaged by installation/removal of OTHER software)

You can develop file corruptions for many reasons: too many images on a page, too many images in the file, too many pages in the file, bad anchor names, bad code inserted into a web page (incomplete, missing characters), file is too large for full compiling.  Sometimes things run smoothly till you pile just one too many items and then it topples over.

Remember that if your file is 100mb, to file save as, it has to go into your temporary files then save it to your new file name.  During the PREVIEW or the PUBLISH process in CSB, the program takes the stored compress data (your web pages, your images) and formats it into html style web pages.  During both processes, CSB uses your WINDOWS temporary folder to hold your information as it prepares your web pages. You need enough room in the RAM and temporary files to make that process complete. You can be running out of ram when you do this and Windows may struggle when the file is too big.

1) what is the size of the tlx design file (windows explorer, details will show you the size of the file xx kb)
2) about how many pages do you have (approx guess will be fine)
3) what operating system are you using?
4) how much RAM do you have (right click on MY COMPUTER, Properties to see how much)
5) you say you have lots of pictures...Do you have many pictures on individual pages? Any pages with more than 20 images?  Do you have more than 900 in the file?
6) when did the problem start?
7) did you try deleting the last page you edited?

I would IMMEDIATELY open the file, choose FILE SAVE AS and give the file a NEW NAME. This COMPACTS and prunes the file. Sometimes that is all that is needed.  But chances are good that you will need to do more.

Please read this page for some advice that one of our CSB users had for getting his file working again.

I await your response.

This info was given to someone else that could not publish/save because of photos:
As to the number of photos on one web page.....yes....200+ on one page is too much.
You can ask CSB to split your web page into 2 or 3 pieces and link them together with one simple option!
3 ways to do it.  I use #2 and #3 quite often. Doing this would make the page load faster and you will see which part of the page has the problem.  You should have less than 50 on each page.  But you can exceed that (as you have proven).

1) Divide a page  
Click in page body, place the cursor where you want the break to occur and choose
Edit > Break Page > Create New Page. CuteSITE Builder creates a new page and places all text after the cursor onto the new page. If there was no text following the cursor, CuteSITE Builder adds an empty page.

2) Divide a page and create a link
In the page body, place the cursor where you want the break to occur and choose
Edit > Break Page > Create Linked Page.
CuteSITE Builder creates a new page and places all text after the cursor onto the new page. If there was no text following the cursor, CuteSITE Builder adds an empty page. On the original page, CuteSITE Builder creates a basic link to the second page. The text of the basic link is (more).

3) Divide a page and add the new page to a sequence   (YOUR best choice since you have so many photos!)
In the page body, place the cursor where you want the break to occur and choose
Edit > Break Page > Add to Sequence.
CuteSITE Builder creates a new page in the current sequence line and places all text after the cursor onto the new page. If there was no text following the cursor, CuteSITE Builder adds an empty page. If the original page was not in a sequence, CuteSITE Builder creates a sequence and adds both pages to it.

------You simply had TOO MUCH info on that one page. Graphics weigh more than text. CSB could not convert text and 230+ images into one web page.  And amazingly, you were trying to ADD to it!  That's like loading a pickup truck full of stuff, then asking if you can put a grand piano on top of it... It might be able to sit on top, but that vehicle will not be able to move!  Too much weight.  As I mentioned, you really should have 20 - 30 pics as a normal max.  CSB easily handles 50 if they are properly prepared.  But going beyond that you are ASKING for corruptions and failures to happen.

SO...splitting the page a few times took the burden off CSB.   (and your visitors too!)
Each page can now be handled by CSB.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 08:56:28 AM by Samrc »
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