Author Topic: CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly  (Read 9858 times)

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CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly
« on: February 18, 2020, 05:20:38 AM »
CSB was discontinued in 2006.

In 2010 I tested a tlx design file in Windows 7.
In 2020 I tested the same file from a Windows 10 computer.

14 years after the program was discontinued, IT STILL WORKS. TOTALLY AMAZING considering the huge changes to the internet in that time.

  • You must add a Temp folder to your C: drive
  • You must CHECK the box for HTML DIRECTORY for the PREVIEW process 
  • You must input a folder address into HTML DIRECTORY for the PREVIEW process 
  • PREVIEW will send a copy of the directory to your computer for review
  • You must UNCHECK the box for HTML DIRECTORY for editing and direct publishing to web 
  • If your host allows FTP transfer (non-secure) transfers you can still publish to your host.
  • If your host requires SFTP (secure transfers) you can use an FTP program to upload files
  • CON: The built in help files will not work. Microsoft will not allow windows 10 to use the old winhlp32.exe

READ MORE DETAILS HERE, on a page I published from CSB installed in Windows 10:

Another page I edited in Windows 10:

Quick to PREVIEW in your own computer and use FTP software to upload only the changed, new items (folders, images, webpages).
Just put the view in MODIFIED date order and the new items jump to the top.

   - FTP basics & how FTP software sees CSB created files
   - Using FTP

TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )

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Re: CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2020, 06:28:16 AM »
Sami, is that really you?

:rick:  Follow me, it's better if we are lost together!

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Re: CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2020, 09:09:36 PM »
Yes. Surprise. 😁 Nice to see you Rick. How are you? I hope you are well.
Blue screens random shutdowns and loss of a ton of files I haven't had a working system with WiFi since 2016. I bought a Dell Windows 10 system at the end of 2015 and it died five months later. So finally I have a working computer!  :hapscream:
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )

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Re: CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2020, 06:34:44 AM »
Wow Sami, it certainly is great to hear that you are still alive and well. I am fine, thanks, doing OK. I don't do any website work any more. I am very occupied with remote control models: planes, trains, boats and cars. I am a member of a model engineering club where I can get involved in all those hobbies.

It is a real suprise, not only to hear from you, but that you have CSB working on Windows 10. Well done.

So your next task is to get Trellix working too! haha.

Let's keep in touch.

:rick:  Follow me, it's better if we are lost together!

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Re: CSB STILL WORKS on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 - Mostly
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2020, 05:27:29 PM »
I haven't done any web work for years, no equipment to do it and like you, life took me in a different direction.  Do you still travel? I'd love to see some pictures.

I was asked by an old CSB user if I could assist with moving his existing CSB website to a different host. Grabbing files from the host and moving them would not work (strange configuration). We needed to see if we could publish clean from CSB so I tried installing the program on my new computer. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised that the program actually works.  Thought a few other folks would like to know.

Ironically, the person who has been severely technology challenged for years has been teaching it. I teach people to use their own technology (smart phones, smart tvs, roku, firestick, tablets, computers, car systems, bluetooth, etc.)  Lets me play with all of the devices even though I haven't owned any of it.  :D   

Your RC models sound like fun and competition.  :D

I have been cleaning up other people's lives. I have lost too many people over the last few years, dealing with their estates, properties, bills, problems. Had some medical issues and challenges. Not fun. Not happy time in my life.  Slowly, I am working my way out of those problems and coming back into the sun. Feels like I am finally moving forward again.   :TUP:

I turned to making greeting cards to keep my sanity. Its my creative outlet.
It also allows me to get out and be with others that have same interests.  I belong to two groups. We teach techniques to each other, share tools, and encourage each other.  I use stamps, dies, watercolor, pencils, and other fun things to give people a smile. 
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )