Author Topic: Move CSB to new laptop  (Read 7871 times)

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Move CSB to new laptop
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:55:01 AM »
hi again sami. i have another problem related to moving CSB from one XP machine to another. in the previous post, i successfully moved from an XP laptop to an XP desktop. i first copied  CSB from the old machine's PROGRAM FILES folder and pasted it into the new machine's PROGRAM FILES folder (via a flash drive). then i followed your instructions for eporting and importing the registry files. and it all worked. you said at the time that that is not the way to "install' the csb software but i do not have the software in any other form than the installed version on the old machine.

now, i am trying to do the same thing again this time moving from an xp laptop to a new xp laptop. AND after exporting/importing the registry files, i cannot get past the sw installation screen! i enter the serial number and my name and it says: "it failed for some unknown i want to register manually".

so, my question to you is: how do i port the SOFTWARE over to the new machine and properly install it not having any software installation files?
thanks in advance, alan

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 03:49:25 PM »
DO NOT try to copy the program folder file and the full CSB registry entries.  That will only cause PROBLEMS and not work properly.
Instead, you should follow the instructions given on this page:
The instructions were originally for Win 7 but work on Vista and XP. (Vista is the problem child and should be avoided if possible, Win 7 and XP are fine!)

Remove what you have done and do it properly for best results.
Download the CSB installation file from GS site.  link is on that page I provide.
Install it.
Register it
Copy over registry entries that are SPECIFICALLY mentioned
Copy over the TLX design files.
Work on web.
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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 11:24:31 AM »
hi/ (on the new xp laptop)  i went into control panel and uninstalled cutesite builder. then i went to the globalscape site and downloaded CSB and executed the .exe file. up came the screen to register. i entered the serial number and user name exactly as it was on the email i received when i originally purchased the sw. and i got the same error message " registration failed for some unknown reason - do you want to register manually?"

should i go into program files and delete the cutesitebuilder folder i initially pasted in there? and then try downloading it again? i did not do anything to remove the redit info i had previously imported. i reasoned that uninstalling would take care of that and i also assumed that the regedit is needed for publishing and not installing the i correct?

i'm at a loss - help. :'( :-\

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 03:58:29 PM »
As I said "Remove what you have done and do it properly for best results."  If you have crud in the system, new fresh installs will not complete.
YES. delete what you copy/pasted.
Then start fresh.

You MAY still run into issues with installation because you may have some residual registry crud in the way from the partial installs.
Make sure you ONLY install the version of the program (4) that you have a serial number for.
Years ago, I had difficulty getting one of the CSB4 installs I had to register and had to do it manually.
If you have CLEANED out the crud, rebooted and tried a clean install and still hit that error, say YES you want to manually register (but not until you do a PROPER installation!)
With the manual registration, you provide data and GlobalScape will provide you with a registry patch to "fix" the registration/unlock program.
Just need to be sure you are using the SAME email addy that you used to purchase/register the first time.
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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 05:06:47 PM »
hmmm. i will delete the folder i pasted into program files but what about the registry stuff i imported? will the new registry overwrite it? or should i risk importing the entire registry i saved before importing only the CSB portion.

and no, i am not using the same email address. i hope that is not a problem if i have to manually register. i never read your post advising me to download a fresh copy of the software because it worked when i did it this way for the desktop port AND i mistakenly assumed that CSB was no longer available. my bad.

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2011, 06:44:45 PM »
If you using a different email addy that IS a problem!  To unlock for more than 30 days, program must be registered and must use email on file at GlobalScape.  GlobalScape will need to know, via email or phone, that the email you used to register the product and now for registration.

The only part of the registry that should have been altered is the importing of the hosts.  Should not have imported anything else.  As to importing your backup copy made before bringing in CSB, that is YOUR choice...I CAN NOT ADVISE you.  Don't know what else you have done to the machine SINCE then so I don't want to cause you bad problems.... The only change that I recommended you make was the import of the CSB hosts. I have never tried to take them out.  GlobalScape may be able to advise but probably not.

As I mentioned, GlobalScape had to provide me a "patch" to get my CSB 4 to unlock years ago. I am sure they can do the same for you.

Note that if you actually got it working by copy/paste method the last time you are a rare case!  And lucky.
That should NOT be done for any program as the registry entries impact more than you think on many programs.

KW had this to say about manual register:
But I think that email addy is no longer good. You will need to fill in the ofrm on their site instead.

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2011, 03:31:42 PM »
hi sami. this one was tough...i tried all that you suggested and still registration failed. so i sent a manual registration form to and a nice chap informed me that i had maxed out my free moves (i guess i ported the code 3x). he was kind enough to tweak my registration count and i got in. now i will try to publish, but i don't imagine that will be a problem. thanks for hanging in there with me!
alan :v8slap:

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2011, 05:59:53 PM »
Yes the last couple of versions of CSB had limitation to keep people from sharing codes. Glad they got it reset for you. Most companies have this same type limitation and will stretch it when necessary for LEGITIMATE users.  Xara and others limit to 3 installs.  Can't blame them really.
Thanks for letting us know.

AND CONGRATULATIONS for being up and running again!
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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2011, 09:20:50 AM »
should i move to CSB5? they suggested that i do that. if i download and install it, will it automatically support the .tlx file that i created on CSB4? i suppose if i design a new website, it would be better done on the later version, but i live by the rule 'if it works, don't fix it'...advice?

btw: i published successfully - thx again!

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2011, 12:44:33 PM »
Sorry, CSB5 is not available now.  Too Late to make that change.
If you put it on your machine, it will stop working after 30 days without the unlock code/serial number.
Your CSB4 serial number will NOT work with CSB5.

CSB5 has some very nice features that you would have liked, but since it is not for sale, the only way you can get one is if someone releases their copy to you and transfers it with GlobalScape.  Most CSB users are not willing to release their copy, even if they have moved on to other software....
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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 04:18:03 PM »
i have CSB5 (and a key). i was asking whether i should just start using that instead of CSB4. will it support my .tlx file that i created with CSB4? or should i just consider using it if i design a new web site?

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Re: Move CSB to new laptop
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 05:06:22 PM »

If you already HAVE a CSB5 serial number (separate from CSB 4 number) then YES!!!!!!!!!!!!   
I would HIGHLY recommend it.
Can't run 4 and 5 on same machine.  So 4 will have to be taken out.

I take it you have not installed it on any machine? 
So you won't run into registration limits?

Version 5 has lots of very good features that made it a worthwhile upgrade for existing sites!   (features are explained)
When you open an existing tlx file with CSB 5, the program will know the file was made with an earlier version of the program as seen in this screen print.  Say YES that you want to open the document. CSB will have a RED TOP BORDER. DO NOT modify the file until you have done the FILE SAVE AS and assigned a NEW name. Recommend you just add a -5 to the name! Once the file is converted, you will always open the NEW version of the file, not the old version. If you use multiple tlx design files to build your site, you will need to convert each to edit in CSB5 format. These files can not be edited with CSB4!  The old files can be but will only be needed as backup.

1) Replace the standard image placeholder that CSB uses for Inserted HTML Code. 
Making this image smaller makes it MUCH easier to fit code into your tight spaces, tables, etc.
2) You may want to check your program settings for IMAGES too.  Open CSB 5, choose Tools, Options
If you want more control over the compression of images, size of images, etc you can do those things outside of CSB with a photo editor and then set CSB to best quality (1). I personally do not want CSB limiting the size of images to 810x810....I often use top background images that can exceed that width!
Photo CD Tab: adjust image quality back up to 1, and make largest image 1536x1024
Image Save Tab:  UNCHECK the box to limit image sizes to 810x810

TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
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