It appears that the STATIC TEXT in the TOP BORDER has been unlocked and manually modified.
On all CSB templates there are LOCKED STATIC TEXT areas. Usually the borders were built with menus, links, titles, custom fields, etc that need specific features and to protect them, CSB has them locked.

You can modify just a page by right clicking the border area and choosing the Unlock Static Text to put something into just that page uniquely but I usually do NOT recommend changing the text or link colors this way. There is a BETTER way, faster way to make GLOBAL changes.
FIRST, lets fix your issue. Make a backup copy of your TLX file before we begin!
You should be able to put the DEFAULT page layout back.
SELECT the pages that are not working properly:
Holding the shift key down, click each page in the map (EXCEPT the HOME) OR
Drag your mouse around the pages while holding down left mouse button
Chose TEXT
Chose "All selected pages" (or "current page" to do one page at a time...)

If you unlocked the static text area of your page, you will get a WARNING that your changes will be lost.
CLICK NO! Do not keep the changes! If you keep the changes you can NOT apply the new layout. Your links will not revert to normal colors. (don't have CSB4 pic...language may be diff, but same answer.. NO!)

Click OK (if necessary to exit the options window)
Refresh your page, and you might need to clear your temporary internet files to see the changes.
Did the links change?If not, you will need to edit to put the settings back to normal.
(Changes in this area will change all pages using that layout -global settings)
While in the Page Layout area:
Right click the top border area > Properties > Page Area > HTML Link Colors Tab
In CSB 4: Set your Link and Visited Link colors. Do not use white for either.
In rollover area, check AUTO colors, check AUTO font. < recommended setting
(Note re: CSB4 Rollover feature: can be finicky! Sometimes it works, sometimes it takes tweaking!
DO NOT change the Link and Visited link colors if you are planning to use rollover highlighting - sometimes interfers (not always).
In CSB 5: Set your link colors any way you want! Much better options that work WELL.
Read about it here:
Click FINISHED to exit the Page Layout editing.
Now you need to apply that Page Layout again.
Chose TEXT
Chose "All selected pages" (or "current page" to do one page at a time...)
This time you should not get any warnings since all your pages have static text again.
Check your pages.
Try NOT to unlock any static text areas of the layout on your individual pages. This BREAKS the automatic features. If you need to add something special to the top or left, that is not on the layout, create a NEW layout and add it to the new layout. Apply that layout to the page. That way if you ever need to adjust the format globally, you can, easily and quickly. All pages that have a particular layout immediately change.
Keeps the global settings clean.