Author Topic: Can't see page links when published  (Read 11210 times)

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Can't see page links when published
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:28:36 PM »
I've published a new website with CSB, but I can't see the links to the different pages, ie. Home, Services, About Me, Contact.  I saw them when my page was published with a black background, but now that I redid it in white, I only see the title of the page I'm on.  I do see all the page links when working in CSB, but not the finished pages.  I've even changed fonts and font colors without success.

Website is

Thanks in advance for any advice.

howie  @

(modified post so email address is broken with spaces/line break so spammers do not harvest)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 08:41:42 AM by Samrc »

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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 04:12:27 AM »
Hi Howie,

I can see them... either with Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Did you fix it?  :-\
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 08:47:25 AM »
I can see you are using CSB4 and that you are using a standard template.
You will have to roll back to default on the template to fix the issue.
Should not be difficult, especially at the beginning of building.

Tony  this is what I see when I go to the site:  white links on white page.

(will post again shortly...working up instructions for fix)

In the meantime, please follow this instruction (pasted in from another thread on this forum)
Make sure you make backup of the TLX design file that CSB uses to build the site! You NEED this file to edit your website files with that piece of software.  If you lose that file or it becomes corrupted, you can not edit the site with that software again until you rebuild the file from scratch!!! Always best to create a backup before you do any major change to the site.

>> >>  You may consider making incremental backup copies of your design file, and keeping them on your computer for a short time. If you do something wacky to your file (delete the wrong page, insert code that corrupts a web page, etc) you can quickly go back to the previous version of the file and work again.  (CSB tlx design file note:  This method also COMPACTS the working file and prunes out old unneeded code, making the file leaner and less likely to corrupt!)
 LOW TECH way:   Use FILE SAVE AS every time you open your file.  Save the file with a name that includes the date for easiest reference and the files stay in date order too!  
Example: open main010109  FILE SAVE AS main010209.  The next save as: main010309.
Subdirectory examples:  vacation070109, photos070109 etc.
To keep the order correct, use a 6 (010109) or 8 (01012009) digit number - don't use 1-1-09
Simple. Fast. Easy.  The publishing information remains the same and is undisturbed. The previous day's file still exists so you can come back to it if necessary and this process creates an  unlimited number of backup copies you can delete or archive the old ones as you see fit, or have a record of how your site has progressed.  This technique will also keep you from overwriting your existing file with an older version!!!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 11:46:04 AM by Samrc »
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 12:23:35 PM »
It appears that the STATIC TEXT in the TOP BORDER has been unlocked and manually modified.
On all CSB templates there are LOCKED STATIC TEXT areas.  Usually the borders were built with menus, links, titles, custom fields, etc that need specific features and to protect them, CSB has them locked.

You can modify just a page by right clicking the border area and choosing the Unlock Static Text to put something into just that page uniquely but I usually do NOT recommend changing the text or link colors this way.  There is a BETTER way, faster way to make GLOBAL changes.

FIRST, lets fix your issue.  Make a backup copy of your TLX file before we begin!
You should be able to put the DEFAULT page layout back.

SELECT the pages that are not working properly:
  Holding the shift key down, click each page in the map (EXCEPT the HOME) OR
  Drag your mouse around the pages while holding down left mouse button
Chose TEXT
Chose "All selected pages"   (or "current page" to do one page at a time...)

If you unlocked the static text area of your page, you will get a WARNING that your changes will be lost.
CLICK NO! Do not keep the changes! If you keep the changes you can NOT apply the new layout. Your links will not revert to normal colors.  (don't have CSB4 pic...language may be diff, but same answer.. NO!)

Click OK (if necessary to exit the options window)

Refresh your page, and you might need to clear your temporary internet files to see the changes.
Did the links change?

If not, you will need to edit to put the settings back to normal.

(Changes in this area will change all pages using that layout -global settings)

While in the Page Layout area:

Right click the top border area > Properties > Page Area > HTML Link Colors Tab
In CSB 4: Set your Link and Visited Link colors. Do not use white for either.
In rollover area, check AUTO colors, check AUTO font.  < recommended setting
   (Note re: CSB4 Rollover feature: can be finicky!  Sometimes it works, sometimes it takes tweaking!
DO NOT change the Link and Visited link colors if you are planning to use rollover highlighting - sometimes interfers (not always).

In CSB 5:  Set your link colors any way you want!  Much better options that work WELL.
Read about it here:

Click FINISHED to exit the Page Layout editing.
Now you need to apply that Page Layout again.
Chose TEXT
Chose "All selected pages"   (or "current page" to do one page at a time...)
This time you should not get any warnings since all your pages have static text again.

Check your pages.

Try NOT to unlock any static text areas of the layout on your individual pages. This BREAKS the automatic features. If you need to add something special to the top or left, that is not on the layout, create a NEW layout and add it to the new layout. Apply that layout to the page. That way if you ever need to adjust the format globally, you can, easily and quickly. All pages that have a particular layout immediately change.
Keeps the global settings clean.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 12:31:51 PM by Samrc »
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 12:29:26 PM »
You can create a new page layout  (Format > Edit Page Layout > NEW (give it a new name and make it based on similar type) >OK
Then make all the changes you want on that page layout.
Then Apply that page layout to any page.
Your page will automatically adjust.
Perfect for inserting images, text, custom fields (read about them here:
Or for holiday changes, etc.  Quick change to many pages or just to one.
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 12:46:12 PM »
Just for the records, this is part of a screen I can see (and select the links)

The red arrow is mine...  :D

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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 12:51:46 PM »
Yep.  Go to the other pages Tony.  You are on the HOME page.  The links on home are on left.  Links for other pages are across top.    :yes:
Red arrow looks like it came from FastStone Capture.  Did it?
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 01:06:56 PM »
Yea, I didn't go further Home page... sorry.

Yes, FastStone is one of the most amazing Image Viewer I've used so far.  :TUP:
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2011, 03:44:42 PM »

You folks, especially Sam, are awesome!  I don't know how you know all these little things in CSB, but you do.  I went through the step by step instructions, and easy corrected the problem (using CSB4).

Thanks again, and thanks Sam for hosting this site.

Howie :thankyousign:

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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 04:06:15 PM »

I just noticed that when I go to the About Me page, I've got some weird stuff happening on the upper left... it gives an additional link to Home, and says "Home" twice, even though it's the About Me page.

Any quick resolution here?  I think that's why I unlocked the text before just to get rid of these things.  I even made it white font at one point.


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 06:41:47 PM »
 :clapping: :clapping: YAY!!! Glad to be of help!  I really enjoy doing it.  :clapping: :clapping:

Easy fix again.
Open CSB.
Go to home page.
Right click the page body > Properties > Page
On the FIELDS tab, Change the TITLE to the Name of your website.
Type in Puter Doctor
Then when you publish site, you will see Puter Doctor / home.   :clapping:

If you do not want your website title shown on the text pages make a new format
Try not to unlock.  Makes things easier and better for updates and corrections.

Instead, go to a text page in CSB, use FORMAT > EDIT PAGE LAYOUT > NEW and name it text-notitle
Remove the TITLE field from the top of the page.
Click finished.
Click FORMAT > APPLY PAGE LAYOUT and apply your NEW layout to any page that you don't want to have the title.

Yes Tony I LOVE that program! and the fact it is portable (put on usb stick) and not install it!
Did you know you can drag a pic onto the capture toolbar and it will open in the editor?  Great to add a caption quickly to existing image!
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 10:04:17 AM »

I changed the title in the Fields tab, but still have that double mess in the top right of the About Me page. 



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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2011, 11:14:03 AM »

I changed the title in the Fields tab, but still have that double mess in the top right of the About Me page. 



Ok, please disregard... I just highlighted the lower title bar and links, hit CUT and it disappeared.

Thanks again!


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2011, 01:40:04 PM »
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Good luck with the business.   Like what you are offering and hope you do well.
You MIGHT reconsider your no fee for phone calls. Some folks need more hand-holding than others and may take a large aggregate time.. Might say a limit of free, after that a charge...
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2011, 03:40:39 PM »

Yes, I figure some people might call extra, but that is my way to get business, since I figure it's something most support places aren't doing.  Plus I figure it will get me in the door of places when I can't resolve their problem quickly over the phone.  And if I can, then perhaps they'll tell friends.  I will look at it again and might change the wording though.

Thanks again for past support, too!


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 04:37:16 PM »
You are the Pro for computer support.

I am just a nerd. And thoroughly enjoy helping folks.
I don't offer the same service that you do, but we do have some things in common.  :TUP:
I have kept a server with 10-15 computers up and running for 10 years, provided software support via phone and web internationally and locally on-site to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, their friends...
Take a look at my site.  Too wordy, but hey...that's me.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 01:00:41 AM by Samrc »
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2011, 10:51:32 PM »

No, I wouldn't say I'm a pro for support.  There's just too much to know, and no way to keep up! 

You have similar qualifications as me; we're similar in what we do.

Now if we could only make that pay good money we'd have it made.  ;)

I removed the free phone support and posting the prices as per someone that's helping me get things going.


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2011, 01:14:11 AM »
I did post a minimum fee for on-site support.
I got to thinking about the idea that people want a basic cost before they contact.
But said that phone and online support would be handled with a quote based on time and subject. (Have done that for years).

Have been making animated gif and flash ads for my site. And making more mods too.  
Really need to clean up...Too many words... Getting better...
Took off my "stylized" dragonfly and put in a more traditional version for main graphic.

I like the clean look of your site. Simple, Clean more "tech" looking than mine, but since I am also trying to sell my graphic work I need more dressing.
Have you considered using a FORM on your site? is FREE for up to 200 submissions per month and has really become a nice service. I may remove the form I have on and replace it with an EMF since I am so pleased with the service on other sites.

Since our sites have similar support services, and are on opposite ends of the continent, if you would like to have a link share between the sites, I would be willing to do that.  Help both our rankings to have decent incoming links from similar sites and will not hurt business.   Let me know if you are interested. :yes:

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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2011, 01:38:18 PM »
I will check out the forms, but so far, no business from the website yet!  The hard part is getting the word out.

I'd be willing to do up a link page with your site if you think it might do some good.

I was just at a marketing place that does web design, and they looked at my site, noting that there weren't many keywords/tags to optimize search engines.  How can I add more (I placed test in white font in case that would help), or is this for another thread?  I didn't find anything when I searched Samisite.  We could continue our discussion via email if you wish.


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2011, 01:40:04 PM »

Whoops, I searched again and found how to change/add keywords.


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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2011, 08:34:44 AM »
Each page needs keywords. And a good page "summary" description too. The description shows up on the search engine response.  It must accurately describe the page and start out with a short sentence that GRABS the interest of the potential visitor.  

Take a look at this page for some more basic search engine info. Remember site rankings are flexible!  They can bend but also break! Feed the HUMAN and the COMPUTER visitor.  TEXT content is vital for search engines and you have it.  The keywords need to be in the text of the page too.  

Hiding text by changing color is frowned on by the search engines and can cause a backlash. Don't do it.  

My iframes web page is #5 out of 30,200,000 options this morning on GOOGLE.  (Search "iframes" on Google)  Built in the OLD CSB, it still ranks well because of keywords, description, content AND TONS of incoming links.  Websites are not islands. They must not be isolated.  They MUST have incoming links. Those roads from similar sites, similar content are VITAL to having visitors.  The more incoming links coming to those pages, the more traffic. Will your website be an island, only known by you? or in backwoods with a dirt road with limited access, or have a super highway carrying many lanes of traffic to you?  Get links from community sites, etc to start building the road to your site.  Links from similar content, discussion or from highly ranked sites are given more importance and make your site more relevent.

Flash is fun for the human eye but does NOTHING for the search engines.  Flash is fine as long as you have the same content available on the page in text form some how. And do NOT use a splash page to enter your site.  

Staying on the forum allows others to learn from this too.  

I have decided to change the aWebWench site again....reorganizing to change my menu and add in three more pages (maybe 4).... Won't publish more changes till later tonight because the pages on the web now are incomplete but are useable.  In my design file now it is jumbled and a mess....
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Re: Can't see page links when published
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2011, 07:41:29 PM »
I will put a little text link on the bottom of my tutor page.
And include this simple little animated gif I made to advertise your site.  (Hope you don't mind)
If you want to use it, just RIGHT CLICK to save it to your own computer. Then you can put it on your own or other websites as you wish.
TNG: "Sometimes, you can make no mistakes, do everything right, and still lose" - Capt Picard to Data
(:turtle: In memory of Turtle: May 22, 1944 - Nov 24, 2007  GURU, mentor, and really nice guy! :turtleleft: )