Website Building Software > Software not specifically listed

Serif WebPlus

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I have used Serif WebPlus, now for $80,

or check my freeware page for a few open source or free HTML editors,



Thanks I hadn't found that one. I liked a lot of what I read: W3C compliant and the description of some extras I haven't seen on spinner or WYSIWYG of course the price is about double so I was disappointed there was no free trial, no screen shots and no web site examples to look at.

It would be hard to just buy it and hope it works out at that price. But it's worth consideration after reading everything it does. Do you have a site built on it or know of others we could look at? I might go back to the forum and check for sites listed there as well as do a who is on it since I never heard of it before. I wonder how long they have been around.. for starters.

The screen shots and web examples are working now there are two web examples and three screen shots - I read the history on line but still didn't do a who is..  Still looks interesting..

They check out as long time software builders - the reviews ranged from a 3 - 4 star rating and I found many complaints of bloated pages and the sites I found to look at did what I call blotchy loading in that they loaded in unusual and delayed segments rather than fairly smoothly. (Maybe Cute spoiled me?) At first I was excited to see they host your blog and forms but then the blog reviews said it wasn't very practical for what it actually did or rather allowed you to do. I think I read enough about extra long code per page an dother quirks to change my immediate interest. I really have to pick a software soon - if I'm not staying with Spinner - so I jumped on this after seeing the built in 3d and graphics tools - but overall I think for the money - I don't find anything worth that much extra to spend to check it out at this time.


May 2010: There is now a FREE WebPlus Starter Edition.



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