Website Building Software > Software not specifically listed

CMS program

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I was thinking of blogging and simple CMS programs, which I've been looking at some because of the ability to edit the content from anywhere. Also not quite CSB-style, and maybe not technically considered online editing, but there are so many options it's hard to tell how a program operates without looking at the specific product.

Highly recommend you go to the OpenSourceCMS site.  They have set up MANY samples of Blog, forum, CMS, e-commerce software you can test right on their site.  Great way to see if you like that type of program without having to install it first!  I tried SMF and a a couple other forums there before installing here.

I giving this a while with Post Nuke.
For me it's an UP HILL CLIMB!!

Still I did get it up and running. I installed the .764 version and the .80 rc1 version, I would say at this point, stick with the .764 version. It's stable, stuff works, and there is some help out there for it. I would call it “user friendly” on the admin side. Also, I had to get my hosting service, iPowerweb, to get me on a newer version of mySQL I must say though, it looks like it could be lots of fun for you and your users, in my case, me and me. From reading other posts around, the Joomla program is very popular.

Please post back your experiences.

Best of Luck,
Pat Jr.

here is another program I came across

Wordpress is a very popular blogger.
If you have cpanel, it may be an easy install.
Other wise there are instructions on their site.


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