Main Page Margin


I am new to this forum so please bear with me.  I am building my own website using Trellix Sitebuilder with Verizon.  I found it pretty easy to use, however; I was wondering if there is a way to change to margins on any of the pages (mainly the main page).  The title on the main page is centered, however; the body of the main page is not.  I am using a three column template layout. It looks as if there is approximately a 5 inch margin on the right side.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


The margins are built into the template when you use SITE BUILDER.
You can choose customizable templates that allow quite a few modifications (backgrounds, logo images, type of layout, etc) but you are limited to what the template itself restricts. 

Which template are you using?

Thanks for the reply.  I used the "basic plain white design."  From the research I have done on the net, it looks like the only way to make any chances is accessing the pages on Verizon's server via an FTP client.  Your thoughts?


When you use a SITE BUILDER, you are locked into their templates. 
If you make direct changes to the HTML they provide, you will have 2 results:
1 - your page can break.  Some changes make it not possible to load the page back into SITE BUILDER for editing.
2 - your page may work for a while the way you want.  But then the next time you edit with the SITE BUILDER application, the template system can overwrite your changes.
3 - If for some reason they do maintenance on the server and a template is updated by the host, your changes may be overwritten.

Using an online builder from anyone can have the advantage of posting a quick, easy, simple web page. Great for
personal site, throw some pictures up and bam it is viewable.  No coding and no fuss.  Many features are very attractive. And the time to make a page is greatly reduced.  They expect you to stay within their boundaries (built into the templates).

But the downsides (FOR ME) out way the benefits if you have a site that needs more:
- Your modifications are limited
- Less control over the layout/design
- Your pages are stuck with that host.  If service goes down, price goes up, or even if you change ISP away from Verizon, you can not move AND edit your pages because YOU don't have the tool that built your site. They do.

For more control on a personal site and business sites, you have better options.
- HTML EDITOR: notepad, CuteHTML, etc directly write HTML code.
- HTML GENERATOR: web page generators (like Site Spinner, Front Page, Coffeecup, Dreamweaver, etc) write the HTML for you, often use a WYSIWYG interface.  Most of these generators use plain pages and allow you to build from scratch OR templates that are predesigned. 

The amount of control is really dependent on the program and template you choose. Some allow you to adjust the margins and other features quite extensively and others are pretty locked in.   Both HTML editors and HTML generators allow you to make the web page offline, on your own computer then use FTP software (sometimes built-into the HTML editor/generator) to upload to the host of YOUR choice.  You can move those pages somewhere else.  For business sites, that is VERY important.

I use two online builders:  Google's online site builder and Trellix SITE BUILDER through my ISP.
Also use several HTML generators for most of my web pages.
Also use CuteHTML to write code when needed.
I am proficient in some, expert in a couple and can handle the basics or am learning the rest. 
Helps for comparisons of features to have a basic understanding of many programs.  :)


I really appreciaite the information.  You gave me some good insight.



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