Samisite Webmaster Community Forum

SPECIAL TOPICS => Website Building - Best Practices => Topic started by: Samrc on June 19, 2007, 06:27:50 PM

Post by: hidden on June 19, 2007, 06:27:50 PM
This is a favorite expression from KW from the Trellix/CSB forums but is best practice for ANY SOFTWARE.
I copied a post made by Kevin back in Jan 2002 that is still applicable today:

It's your decision ... but if you have read any of the posting from these forums, even in the past few weeks, not only I, but several other [trellix & CSB] users strongly suggest:

1. Publish as soon as possible!
2. Publish often!
3. Publish now!

Why? Because, too often, people spend weeks, even months, getting there site "just right", before they have ever try to actually publish to their web site.

What happens? First, they either find a problem in publishing, or discover that they cannot publish to their web site because their 'free' version of [trellix] that came with their computer or scanner won't let them publish to the web provider of their choice.

So now they're mad at the company that made it for tricking them.

Second, when they do publish, and especially if publishing to a free web provider, they discover "the ads" -- and don't like them, and wanrt to know how to get rid of them, and why didn't anybody tell me the ads would be so bad!

Third and MOST IMPORTANT, after publishing the web site, some pages never quite look the same as when previewing.

Tom -- bottom line --- if you haven't published yet, do it today. And besides, who cares if its 'not ready for prime time'? Until you distribute your web site address to people they're not going to know about it.

And if you have, then simply publish to a subdirectory so people can not see it without the direct address.

In Trellix, Click on Publish > Options, click on 'Publish to a subdirectory', call your subdirectory something like 'test' (or 'beta') and PUBLISH. You can then access this sub directory using the URL:
h**p://   -or-   h**p:// [/li][/list]

As they say in the NIKE commercial: JUST DO IT!!!!
Post by: hidden on June 20, 2007, 08:48:27 AM
This is true for ongoing publishing, too, not just a new site - especially if you have a dial-up connection - as I was reminded when I started my "faux databases". When I tried to publish the first one, after I'd set it up with several hundred pages with one image per page, it was too much for the system. I had to delete about half of the pages before it would publish, then add them back in stages. Now I get the subdirectory going (which is the most difficult part - always takes a couple of tries on my dial-up connection) with just a small number of pages, then add more.