Website Building Software > Coffeecup Visual Site Designer (WYSIWYG program)

coffeecup Visual Site Designer


Hi again! I tried that one too and I remember I found some boards and if I am remembering right, some sites that individuals had set up independently - such as the way Sam set up her cute site, to assist users. You have probably looked for them but in case not, I do believe they are out there and that you can find some detailed answers to what you are wondering about.

Thanks - I think when I have some time to really learn the HTML editor (which isn't right now!) it could be a very flexible program.

The Visual Editor seems to be a lot  more limited, almost like what you'd be able to do with an online Trellix program.

I downloaded the Coffeecup Visual Editor and played with it a little. It would be okay for someone wanting a very small personal site, but beyond that the way content is added -especially text - is way too much of a memory hog. Statements throughout the help material that if you're having trouble publishing it's probably because of "large objects", meaning text boxes - which are the only way to add text. That's okay when I'm working on printable items in Publisher, but I don't want it online. It also has a built-in image editor which, again, is okay if you're making a very small site, but uses a lot of resources if you have very many edited images.

I thought it was interesting that Visual Editor uses a proprietary type of file, which the program converts into HTML on publishing. Didn't know anything other than CSB did that. Coffeecup's "regular" editor doesn't do that, of course. Visual Editor has some helpful CSB-type features: insert HTML and a preview function with live links. Couldn't find a site map, though :-\ .

There are lots of complaints in the forum about Visual Editor - almost entirely from people who are trying to use it for things it's not meant to do, such as full-blown business sites.


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